Google featured snippets gain blue highlighted text

Google featured snippets gain blue highlighted text
March 28, 2023

If you have recently used Google to search for anything, you might have noticed that Google has introduced a new feature where certain featured snippets in its search results are highlighted in blue. This highlighting may indicate crucial information relevant to your search and is integrated directly within the featured snippet itself. Additionally, the font size for these snippets, including blue highlighting, is larger than those without it.

In September of 2022, Google tested the feature using both yellow and blue colours, and recently, they have settled with blue highlighting making it the most recent update on Google’s search engine research page.

How will it affect SERPs and websites?

If you own a website, you already know the importance of appearing on the first page of Google’s SERP. Websites owners who regularly update their websites to meet changing SEO standards would not feel the heat of the introductory highlighted snippet feature. In fact, there is a massive chance that it will make it easier for users who are looking for specific information to locate the answer in your website content easily. By highlighting specific text in the snippet, users can easily locate the most relevant information without having to read through the entire snippet.

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While many experts believe that it will help businesses attract more audiences, its impact on search results is yet to be determined. It is also not determined whether the blue highlight snippet feature will have a significant effect on search rankings. But many experts are hoping that snippets with blue highlighting could attract more clicks from users, as they are more visually prominent and appear to contain more useful information. Moreover, it is believed that if the blue highlighted text corresponds to a user’s search query, it could improve the relevance and accuracy of the search results.

To know more about how featured snippets are affecting your website’s performance, you can audit some of your frequently highlighted snippets to determine whether there has been a noticeable increase or decrease in traffic as a result of the recent alteration and if it has affected your outcomes.


The implementation of snippets by Google has been highly advantageous to websites. Websites that are expanding are attempting to meet SEO criteria through snippets. This feature will cause your website to be the most frequent search. In addition, it will improve your ratings, accuracy, significance, and search and access capabilities.