Importance of Website Hosting in SEO

Importance of Website Hosting in SEO
February 16, 2024

When it comes to boosting your website’s speed and performance, investing in a reliable host is the simplest solution. Any business that uses a cheap web server can no longer claim ignorance as an excuse. You may boost your rankings, traffic, and conversions by focusing on your website’s performance. If you’re new to search engine optimization (SEO), this blog by Thanksweb will teach you all the ropes.

What is Web Hosting?

A web host is a business that provides the infrastructure for websites to be accessible online.

The foundation of your website is a web host. Web pages are saved on dedicated computers known as servers. When you access your websites through a web browser, they are transmitted to you via the server.

Users need only enter your domain name or website address into their browser to access your site.

Companies usually pour a lot of money and time into website design, development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization (SEO) when they construct a website.

The hosting of websites, however, is often neglected.

The website’s speed, functionality, and adaptability should be your top priorities if you’re going to put effort into making it appear nice and getting people to visit it.

One of the many useful things you can do is use a high-quality web host to increase your conversion rates.

Ways in Which Web Hosting Helps Businesses

While most companies don’t give web hosting any thought, it is essential for your online presence. You must have a reliable web host to create a business website that runs without trouble. Getting a solid web host is an investment that should pay off in the long run for your company.

Your business can reap many rewards from working with a trustworthy web host, including:

  • Better site speed.
  • Management of data effectively.
  • Increased safety.
  • Continuous availability.

You can also read: Technical SEO Checklist 2024

Services Your Web Host Should Provide

In addition to hosting websites, web hosts often provide other services to businesses. To free up business owners’ time and energy to concentrate on running their companies, web hosting companies provide a wide range of services.

Some common services of a reliable web host are as follows:

  • Domain name creation is a requirement for hosting providers for email accounts. A feature that will be provided is the ability to register domain names and email accounts.
  • Using File Transfer Protocol (FTP), you can transfer files from your local machine to the web server. Thanks to this function, your website will be viewable online, and you may upload files directly to the server. Web developers cannot function without FTP access.
  • Support for WordPress so that you can easily build and maintain your website’s content. Over half of all websites on the internet use WordPress.
  • An added layer of protection: An increasing number of web hosts, like WPEngine, now include free SSL certificates in their hosting packages.

Importance of Website Hosting in SEO

  • Google always aims to provide its users with the best possible SEO results. This means that search engine optimization will be more effective if you use a dependable web host.
  • To guarantee that their search engine is user-friendly, Google considers several aspects. Rankings can be improved for websites that load faster and have better user experiences.
  • Modern brands and companies place a heavy emphasis on search engine optimization. When people do relevant searches on Google, everyone wants their site to be on the first page.
  • Websites that don’t appear on Google’s first page almost certainly won’t be discovered. As the old adage goes, “The second page of Google is the best place to hide a website.”

3 Main Reasons Why Web Hosting is Important for SEO

Location, security, and speed are the three most significant aspects of web hosting when it comes to search engine optimization.

1) Speed of Website

When considering SEO from a more pragmatic perspective, speed is the most important criteria. Your website will load slowly if your web host is inexpensive and slow. It would have a cascading effect, leading to little organic traffic, bad rankings, and few leads.

The only way to fix this is to use a competent web host that provides fast speeds so that your page load times will be significantly reduced.

Remember, speed equals revenue.

Resources for Analyzing Page Speed

  • GTMetrix
  • Google PageSpeed Insights
  • Pingdom

Using Core Web Vitals Report

Core Web Vitals is the report that reveals how well your webpages operate according to “field data,” or actual usage statistics.

By sorting URL performance by status, metric type, and URL group, Core Web Vitals provides valuable insights.

Three metrics form the basis of Core Web Vitals

LCP: It takes the time it takes to render the largest element of visible content in the viewpoint from the moment the user requests the URL. LCP, which stands for Largest Contentful Paint, demonstrates this. Usually, a big block of text, a video, or an image serves as the biggest element of content. Because it lets the user know that the URL is loading, this measure is significant.

FID: The First Input Delay, or FID, measures how long it takes for a browser to react after a user clicks on a link to the website. When the page becomes interactive, this metric becomes quite crucial.

CLS: Which stands for “Cumulative Layout Shift,” is a metric that adds up all the separate layout shifts for each unexpected adjustment. This happens throughout the page’s lifetime. The measurement can take on any positive value between zero (i.e., no change) and any positive integer. The remaining numerical values represent the degree to which the design changes. Users will have a negative experience if they encounter a layout shift when engaging with the website, which is why this measure is significant.

Read more about: How Long does it Take to Rank on Google?

2) Security

  • Problems like spam sites, false backlinks, and hackers might infect your website if it doesn’t have a solid security mechanism. You risk having your Google rankings penalized or even removed if you engage in any of these practices.
  • On the other hand, malware infections might cause search engines to ban your site or display a security warning when users search for your content. SEO can take a hit if you don’t choose a web host that has a solid security system.
  • The use of a secure socket layer is one service that certain web hosts provide. The gold standard for ensuring the safety of an internet connection is this security certificate.
  • Reliable technical support and customer care are additional benefits of robust security. You should check the web host’s customer service and technical support ratings to make sure they meet your company’s standards.
  • You may get problems like slowness or site crashes fixed fast and easily. Having a solid technical and customer support team in place can put your mind at ease if your site has an outage.

3) Location

When it comes to search engine optimization, your website’s location is crucial. When determining the best results to display, search engines will take location-based signals into account. You should consider factors like the location of users, business and server when choosing a hosting provider for your website. It is one factor that determines the required distance and speed of the data transmission.

You would prefer that your website be hosted in a data center in the country where the business and its users are based, for instance, if your user is based in India. Having the site located in an Indian data center is ideal if your organization is based in India.

Your company should look for a content delivery network with worldwide hubs if it works on a global scale. This will ensure that hosting is fast for users from all over the world.

You could not be located in a local data center if you chose an inexpensive web host. There are several ways this may hurt your website, including the user experience and organic search engine rankings.

Which web host is best for your needs?

While selecting a web host, some points to check out are:

  • Reputation of web host
  • Amount of time the web host has been providing services for.
  • Security precautions like SSL.


Reputation is proportional to load time. And users will leave any website that takes more than a few seconds to load. While you are putting a lot of resources into making sure a business website is effective, the success of the website depends a lot on your web host. Your search engine optimization efforts could take a hit if your website is hosted poorly. All of your SEO work could be for naught if you go with the incorrect web host. Your site’s speed, core web vitals, and reputation can all see an immediate boost with the correct web host. Visit Thanksweb for a free consultation today!